Category: News

Karel Makoň

"Nameless pond" k. ú. Žebráky /TC/

Unnamed water area of 3516 m2 including the dam, purchased into the ownership of NF EDEN in December 2021. Pond with a temporarily repaired sluice, no fish handle,

Ondřej (Andrew) Hes

Fishing pond near Černošín

As we informed you on our website, we were going to fish an unwanted fish plant in a pond near Černošín in Tachovsk all autumn. After graduation

Ondřej (Andrew) Hes

New acquisition

Our endowment fund builds on a long history of activities used to protect natural habitats, especially wetland sites. We have already informed our supporters about this on our

Kateřinský stream in times of great water
Ondřej (Andrew) Hes

Great water in our wetlands, May 2021

In the press we can read how to fight large water, torrential rains, etc. From dry polders, dams, barriers. Wetlands are constantly mentioned, but few have had

Karel Makoň

Exhibition Water

or DESOP Plzeň and Plzeňská teplárenská a.s. present... People's relationship to water, landscape and beavers can take different forms and change with time. Fortunately

Ondřej (Andrew) Hes

Eden - Biodiversity Islands

We would like to present our activities in more detail and of course the reasons that lead us to such activities. Terms such as wetland or biodiversity are described in the introductory sections

Ondřej (Andrew) Hes


In 2007, the last natural pool at the confluence of the rivers Úslava and Berounka in the area of Sv. Jiří was filled in. First stage - 2007 Development of the wetland biotope after

Ondřej (Andrew) Hes

What's new about our wetlands

Spring has arrived at our locations, wet meadows and puddles. Hesitantly this year, with frequent cold breaks, but finally. After last season, water was replenished at least partially