Each of us, even the greatest ecologist, will destroy part of nature in our lifetimes. Come with us to try and repair some of the damage. Let us together protect and recreate nature for future generations.

Who we are and what we do

We create nature for future generations

In our endowment fund, we strive to protect the territory where people once farmed, but after a long time nature has returned in all its diversity. We are trying to create a new working nature, nature for the next generation in places where it has disappeared for decades or has been preserved only to a limited extent.

What is Biodiversity?

Biodiversity is the variety of life in all its forms and combinations. It is not simply the sum of all genes, species and ecosystems, but rather the variation within and between them. In simple terms, it is a state where thousands of organisms are held in check, constantly competing and fighting with each other. In such an environment, it is difficult for one organism to assert itself and wipe out everything around it.

What are the Wetlands?

The definition according to the so-called Ramsar Convention is: Wetlands are areas of marsh, fen, peatland and areas covered by water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with standing or flowing water, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of seawater not exceeding six metres in depth at low tide. Wetlands represent a natural water reservoir in the landscape and have a significant water retention capacity in the event of excessive rainfall.

Our Projects

We are currently working on projects, some of which you can also support.

Do you have land and want to get involved?

Do you have a plot of land in the Pilsen region that you don't want or can't take care of? Such a plot can remain in its natural state (see our wetland in Hošťka near Přimda) or we can adapt it to a similar state. We are particularly interested in wet meadows, fields, water areas, drained ponds, overgrown areas, but we are also happy to look at neglected, devastated sites or logged forests.


News and articles related to our work

Czech tundra - Alaska near Rozvadov

I took advantage of the promise of a more favourable weather forecast for the second Saturday of autumn and went with my drone to one of my favourite places, to visit my friend Professor Ondrej

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Our Partners

Organizations and entities we cooperate with

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is a non-profit organization with a nationwide scope specializing in practical protection of nature and the environment. The Association was founded in 1992 and operates mainly in the Pilsen Region, with three basic projects among its main objectives:

Operation of the animal rescue station, ensuring the operation of medical and breeding facilities including provision of professional service and rescue transfers.
Species and habitat conservation projects.
Environmental education projects.